Rodney Howard Browne – Nancy L. Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

Rodney Howard Browne shows us that each service was another touch by God in the fire, burning more out and leaving me cleaner, fresher, freer and more joyous. Three hundred words are not near enough to describe the amazing experiences that I have been through since school began! I can only say that I don’t even recognize myself, and I am in awe of my God! I know He is real and that He loves me and desires to have an intimate relationship with me!

I am working on security and while on duty I pray in tongues the entire time. I am literally on fire and have such a heightened sense in the spiritual realm! Last night on duty the Holy Ghost had me zoned in on a certain woman all night. She got up to leave early and I felt the prompting to go after her. I left my post and went outside to catch her. I introduced myself to her and after talking with her found that she had planned to kill herself. I brought her back in and got a pastor to pray with her. She came back in to the service, and Pastor was walking around slowly praying for only a couple of individuals. I began to intercede for this woman in the spirit and prayed that the anointing would seek and find her. He only prayed for maybe 7 individuals that night and the 2nd to last one was her.

He came out from the front into the aisle and stood in front of her and gave a word of knowledge for her, telling her that God was aware of all that she was going through, etc. and then he laid hands on her! I was so overwhelmed at the glory of God that I ran to the back and began jumping up and down in joy and then he asked that I be brought to Him where he laid hands on me. God is so good. I feel like He wants me to know that He is moving in and through me. That being effective in God’s hands is a miracle coming from my past! I am a new creature in Christ! I will never be the same again! I am sold out completely to Christ!