Great Awakening Tour City #20 North Miami Beach, Florida Extended

Great Awakening Tour City #20 North Miami Beach, Florida Extended

In our region, we have won 231 souls as of 1–5-08. Most won since Dec.1 of 07. 51 were won in Apts., 171 in nursing homes and 9 just as we have gone about life. Some at work, service stations, cafe’s, etc. We led a couple to the Lord and Jesus healed his heart and back so that he was able to walk without a cane. His wife’s ankle was healed as she watched us minister to her husband. Upon meeting my new step brother for the first time, I led him to the Lord and Jesus healed his buldging discs in his neck and lower back. He was immediately pain free and began calling people and telling them. We are trying to duplicate ourselves. One 17 yr old young man, went with me and led 6 people to the Lord within 4 weeks of his own salvation. Another Christian, after I just went over how to use the script, immediately went to a man and led him to the Lord, by himself.

Jim T
Ocean Springs Mississippi United States