Foundation Scripture: Luke 13 vs. 11-13 (Amplified) And there was a woman there who for eighteen years had had an infirmity caused by a spirit (a demon of sickness). She was bent completely forward and utterly unable to straighten herself up or to look upward. Vs. 12 And when Jesus saw her, He called (her to Him) and said to her, Woman, you are released from your infirmity! Vs. 13 Then He laid (His) hands on her, and instantly she was made straight, and she recognized and thanked and praised God. There was something special about the touch of the Lord’s hands on this woman and the other people He healed and delivered. That “something” was the anointing. When Jesus touches someone’s life, it changes forever! Jesus can take someone who is completely down and out and totally transform them.No matter what you may be going through – Jesus cares! He loves you. He wants to touch and change you. Jesus can take what the world has despised and discarded and rejected and make something beautiful out of it. It does not matter what other people may think of you. It does not even matter what you think about yourself. If you place your life into His wonderful hands, His miracle-working hands, He can make something beautiful and worthwhile out of whatever you give Him. He can make something beautiful out of your life. Here is a poem that has blessed me greatly over the years and I pray that it will bless you, too.

Rodney Howard Browne talks about The Touch of the Master’s Hand‘Twas battered and scarred, and the auctioneer thought it scarcely worth his while To auction off the old violin, but he held it up with a smile. “What am I bid for the old violin? Who’ll start the bidding for me? One dollar. One.Who’ll make it two?Two dollars.Who’ll make it three?” Going for three. . .but no,from a room far back A gray-haired man came forward and picked up the bow. Wiping the dust from the old violin, and tightening up its strings, He played a melody pure and sweet, as sweet as an angel sings. The auctioneer, with a voice that was quiet and low, Said, “What am I bid for the old violin?”as he held it up with the bow. “One thousand, one, who’ll make it two?Two thousand, who’ll make it three? Three thousand once, three thousand twice, going and gone” said he. The people cheered, but some of them cried, “We don’t quite understand What changed its worth.”Quick came the reply, “The touch of the Master’s hand.” Many a man, with life out of tune, battered and torn by sin, Is auctioned off to a thoughtless crowd, much like that old violin. A mess of pottage, a glass of wine, a game, and he travels on. He’s going once, he’s going twice, he’s going. . .he’s almost gone. Then the Master comes, and the thoughtless crowd can never quite understand The worth of a soul and the miracle that’s wrought by the touch of the Master’s hand. Author Unknown.