Rodney Howard Browne – Nigel B. Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.


After being really scared about going on the street, God was amazing.  He brought the right people to me.  I prayed with two lady ministers who both rededicated their lives to the Lord, and they said they knew that someone was going to speak to them today.


While we were out today, my team prayed for my leg.  I had a stroke a year ago, and I have been unable to move my toes or ankle. During prayer, my toes started to move, and I have been walking without a brace or a cane. I went to Wal Mart and to the nursing home, and I prayed with 4 people today to get saved.


Most people said they hoped they were going to heaven. When I told them of God’s promises to us they were happy, but when they said they were forgiven and forgave others who ever have hurt them they would cry and say now I’m forgiven and I am going to heaven.  I spoke to another person that was unable to speak. I asked “blink if you understand and blink if you want to receive Jesus” and she did. She was crying during the prayer.